Ahl uz Zikr is an Official Android Application for Alavi Bohra Mumineen worldwide headed by the 45th Da'i ul-Mutlaq Saiyedna wa Maulaana Abu Saeed il Khayr Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS.
Ahl uz ZIkr is a Multi Functional Notification Utility Application aimed at giving instant notification on the Phone specifically made for the Mumineen of Alavi Bohra Community.
Application with similar features will be launched over Apple iOS shortly. Insha Allaah.
- Receive Deeni Messages directly on your smartphone after downloading application.
- After downloading the Application it will need approval from the Admin.
- Receive exclusive Audio Clips of Bayaan on various occasions.
- Receive exclusive photos of various events.
- Receive important Elaan of Da'wat e Alaviyah.
To use the application, the user must register for the Application by providing certain information and when the information is verified, the user gets activated. The Notification will show the basic information like Message Title, Necessary information related to message, Time of the Message when sent and date at last.
Moreover Namaaz Timing with Sound Notification along with Araz Notification to the Admin is also made for the Mumineen of Alavi Bohra Community.
The user has to turn the Namaaz Timing "ON" to receive Azaan Notification. If the user changes the mobile time then the user has to logout from the application and then again Login the same to get the proper notification.
The User can send Araz to the Admin in Text and can receive the reply from the admin.
Note: The Namaaz Notifications with android version 4.2.x and 4.4.x will not be working properly or will not be triggered exactly at the right time due to Operating System Issue.
If you have any issues, feel free to contact US so that we can fix them as quickly as possible.
阿尔赞念UZ是阿拉维Bohra Mumineen的官方Android应用程序由全世界45 Da'i UL-Mutlaq Saiyedna WA Maulaana阿布·赛义德IL Khayr Haatim Zakiyuddin萨希卜TUS领导。
阿尔UZ ZIKR是旨在对专门针对阿拉维Bohra社区的Mumineen所做的电话让即时通知的多功能通知实用工具的应用。
- 下载应用程序后您的智能手机直接接收Deeni消息。
- 下载应用程序后,将需要从管理的批准。
- 接收在各种场合Bayaan独家音频剪辑。
- 接收各种事件的独家照片。
- 接收Da'watËAlaviyah重要Elaan。